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Friday, 7 December 2012

Recent Vinyl Decals and More

We would like to take a few minutes to share with everyone what we have been up to as of late. As you have read we have been touring about the Ottawa Valley attending trade and craft shows big and small these last couple of months. When Nicky and I are not touring around to the many wonderful vendor events we are busy at work creating, designing and cutting vinyl decals for all of our customers. These are but a few of those vinyl decals, and vinyl decals crafts that we have been asked to create.

With Christmas coming there has been quite a few Christmas themed decals as well as a few Designer Showcase orders along with DIY wine glass kits, ornaments and more! Thank you too all our wonderful customers!

Now on to the orders!

The following pictures are of a recent Hockey Logo Created for a local girls hockey team.

ice devils logo made with vinyl decal
Ice Devils Car Logo
ice devils logo made with vinyl decal
Ice Devils Vinyl Decal

A recent Designer Showcase had a few unique vinyl decals and DIY wine glass kits asked for.

cherish vinyl wall decal
Vinyl Wall Decal Cherish
 Vinyl Wall Decals: Simple Word "Cherish"

The following are Monograms and a unique his and hers DIY Wine Glass Kit

DIY wine glass kit monogram S
Monogram S
DIY wine glass kit monogram L
Monogram L
DIY wine glass kit monogram C
Monogram C

DIY wine glass kit His and Hers
His and Hers DIY Wine Glass Kit

DIY wine glass kit monogram G
Monogram G
DIY wine glass kit monogram W
Monogram W

DIY wine glass kit monogram D
Monogram D

The Following is a 2 layer or 2 part, vinyl decal. The words yesterday, tomorrow and today were cut in a nut brown and the words CHERISH, DREAM and LIVE in black. When layered properly they will create a wall decal that says,  CHERISH yesterday, DREAM tomorrow, LIVE today.

vinyl wall decal by sparklingexpressions
Vinyl Wall Decal part 1

Cherish, Dream, Live vinyl wall decal
Vinyl Wall Decal part 2

The following is also a 2 layer or 2 part vinyl wall decal. An Audrey Hepburn quote that was cut in black with the highlight words cut in a lipstick colour. The first picture was to show the amazing colour that truly stands out when next to black and the second is the actual highlight words. "I believe in pink..."

lipstick colour vinyl
Amazing colour lipstick

Vinyl wall decal quote Audrey Hepburn
Vinyl wall decal part 2: Audrey Hepburn Quote

With Christmas coming, a charger was requested to be made. What else but, Cookies for Santa!

Cookies for Santa Charger
Christmas Charger, Cookies For Santa

Our clear Diamond Shaped Paperweights have been a hit from the get go and this one was a recent request.

personalized diamond shaped paperweight
Personalized Diamond Shaped Paperweight

To Keep with the Christmas theme, The blue glitter ornament in the following picture was recently requested.  A similar ornament to the one pictured in the same blue glitter with a metalic silver vinyl. "Our Angel's First Christmas" and on the other side the childs name as well as DOB. What a great personalized keep sake to truly celebrate the Christmas Holidays.

personalized christmas glitter ornament
Personalized Glitter Christmas Ornaments

A couple more vinyl wall decals that were ordered through a recent Designer Showcase.

Vinyl Wall Decal Our Family
Vinyl Wall Decal Our Family

Vinyl Wall Decal Welcome
Vinyl Wall Decal Welcome

The following was a design requested by a interior decorator. This design was reworked until made perfect. And sharp looking it is! Don't let the picture fool you its a monster and will take up a fairly large sized wall.
The word Family cut in white which is rather big being the first layer with a second layer that will lay over top between all the cursive swirls. "We may not have it all together... but together we have it all". We are sure this vinyl wall decal will stand out rather well. We cant wait to see it installed in its place!

Family Vinyl Wall Decal
Family Vinyl Wall Decal Part 1

Vinyl wall decal we may not have it all together...
Vinyl Wall Decal part 2

Last but not least, another Designer Showcase vinyl wall decal order.

vinyl wall decal when all else fails take a bath
Vinyl wall decal when all else fails...

As you can see we have been quite busy at sparklingexpressions this last month or so and we are still designing and creating more vinyl wall decals and customized orders for our customers. We hope you enjoyed this small sample of what we have been up too and we look forward to sharing a new batch of samples in the upcoming weeks.  In fact we will be updating our blog with a couple pictures of our product installed and on proud display in their new homes in the coming days. So keep an eye out.

We would also like to remind everyone that with Christmas fast approaching we are quite happy to work with you to create that extra special personalized gift. There is still time left to contact us to create that special personalized or custom vinyl decal or gift.

Thank you for dropping by and taking the time to look about our blog. We can also be found on facebook at, sparklingexpressions. As well some of our designs can be found online at our vinyl lettering and decor gallery. 
~Nicky and Mark


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