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Sunday, 26 August 2012

Mike Bowes Memorial Cruise In

Another weekend has come and gone and sparklingexpressions was busy yet again spreading the word as to who we are and what we offer.  This weekend found us in beautiful Perth, Ontario on yet another hot and sunny summer day.  The event was the Mike Bowes Memorial Cruise In, which was held at the Perth Civitan Club. The cruise in offered visitors the chance to see, and admire a large array of classic cars. There truly was a lot of classics on hand for the automobile buff. As mentioned earlier, the weather was beautiful and what better a way to spend a Sunday. There was a large BBQ on hand offering up all sorts of tasty eats and to top the day off, a large vendor fair was held inside the Civitan itself. A nice relief from the heat as it was air conditioned! sparklingexpressions had a great time meeting and sharing our story with everyone who stopped by. We even got to decorate a few visitors and share our sparkling personality.

sparklingexpresisons display at Mike Bowes Memorial Cruise In
sparklingexpressions at Mike Bowes Memorial Cruise In

sparklingexpresisons wall vinyl decal display table
sparklingexpressions display table

Mike Bowes Memorial Cruise In
Mike Bowes Memorial Cruise In
Mike Bowes Memorial Cruise In
Mike Bowes Memorial Cruise in

flaming heart glitter tattoo by sparklingexpressions
sparklingexpressions Glitter Tattoo
sparklingexpressions swirl  glitter tattoo
sparklingexpressions Glitter Tattoo

sparklingexpressions batman glitter tattoo
sparklingexpressions glitter tattoo 

glitter tattoo by sparklingexpressions
sparklingexpressions working on a glitter tattoo

sparklingexpressions swirl done in glitter tattoo
sparklingexpressions glitter tattoo finished product

As you can see the sparkle on this day was not only sparklingexpressions, but in the glitter tattoo's as well, and boy do they sparkle. We had the opportunity to meet a lot of great people today and we were sad to see the day come to an end.  We thank everyone who participated and came out to visit the vendors and car enthusiasts, and we welcome you to look at our upcoming events lists on facebook to see where our ventures will take us next.

Thank you for dropping by and taking the time to look about our blog. We can also be found on facebook at, sparklingexpressions. As well some of our designs can be found online at our vinyl lettering and decor gallery.

Thank you,
Nicky and Mark

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Wall Vinyl Expressions Recently Ordered

Every now and then, we like to share with everyone some of the recent wall vinyl decals that our customers are asking for, buying and applying in their homes, work spaces as well as crafts.  We thank you for your support and your interest in our products.

custom wall vinyl decal by sparklingexpressions
Custom made for birthday girl who's passion is singing

sparklingexpressions vinyl decal for a wedding
Custom design for some wedding glasses

Who says wall vinyl expressions are for humans only? The following was an order for a kitty.
sparklingexpressions custom made wall vinyl decal
One lucky kitty has her own wall vinyl expression in bubblegum pink

my house was clean yesterday wall vinyl decal
My house was clean yesterday... wall vinyl expressions in lilac colour

Thank you for dropping by and taking the time to look about our blog. We can also be found on facebook at, sparklingexpressions. As well, some of our designs can be found online at our vinyl lettering and decor gallery.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

2012 Lanark County Plowing Match

The sparklingexpressions family packed up and headed west of Ottawa, past Carleton Place and towards this years annual family farm that hosted the Lanark County, Plowing Match. (just outside of Perth and Carleton Place) The annual plowing match is a two day event filled with plowing competition, tractor pulling, live bands, big pancake breakfasts and BBQ's as well as a fashion show (comedy show), pageant, vendor tents and much much more. Mother nature blessed the weekend with sun and fun. We at sparklingexpressions had a great time meeting everyone who stopped by our tent to learn about us and our products, and we enjoyed our time at this years plowing match. The kids had a great time on the tractor ride, dancing and sampling all those yummy homemade treats. This year saw over 200 pancake breakfasts being served up on Saturday morning and an even bigger lineup throughout the whole day for BBQ yummyness. This year was like past years, seeing attendance increase and renewed interest by vendors. sparklingexpressions was proud to be a part of that renewed interest and plan to attend next years fun festivities. 

Display Booth at Lanark County Plowing Match
Lanark County Plowing Match 2012

Crafts at Lanark County Plowing Match
sparkling coaster sets
Stick Family Vinyl
sparkling stick families

Wall Decals at Lanark County Plowing Match
sparkling diamonds

DIY Wine Glass Kits
sparklingexpressions new DIY wine glass kits

BBQ Lineup at Lanark County Plowing Match
BBQ lineups circling sparklingexpressions

Lanark County Plowing Match
some of the many resting area's for BBQ, Bands and fun

2012 Lanark County Plowing MatchVendor Tent Lanark County Plowing Match

Display at Lanark County Plowing Match
sparklingexpressions display

DIY vinyl wine glass kits
sparklingexpressions DIY vinyl wine glass kits

Vinyl Decal Crafts
Vinyl Coaster Sets

Vinyl Wine Glass Kit
DIY Vinyl Wine Glass Kit

2012 Lanark County Plowing Match
sparklingexpressions booth at Plowing Match

Mark at Lanark Plowing Match
Sunburnt Mark

Nicky at Lanark Plowing Match
Sunburnt Nicky (ahh A/C)

We at sparklingexpressions had a great time at the 2012 Lanark County Plowing Match and we look forward to next years event. For those that missed this years plowing match, here's a small sample of some of the music.

Thank you for dropping by and taking the time to read our stories, and adventures, feel free to visit us on facebook at sparklingexpressions wall vinyl and decor. We will also be at the Civitan club in Perth, Ontario next weekend for the Mike Bowes Memorial CRUISE-IN.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

More customer orders

We love to share what our customers are purchasing and ordering, so we thought we would upload a few more expressions and designs.

Sports Vinyl Wall Decals
For the sports fan!
Sports Wall Decals
Children's room or Den the sports fan will love this.
Sports Decals
Few embellishments for the sports fan

Notre Famille Wall Decal
Our Family - Notre Famille

Welcome Bienvenue Wall Decal
Welcome - Bienvenue

Stick Family Decals
The stick family
Here are some more recent wall vinyl expressions that have been ordered as well. Thank you for dropping by and taking the time to look about our blog. We can also be found on facebook at, sparklingexpressions. As well, some of our designs can be found online at our vinyl lettering and decor gallery.

Another Successful Weekend

Another weekend has come and gone and sparklingexpressions was out and about the Ottawa region sharing all things sparkling. For those that missed it, we were in the Aylmer area at a fundraiser for the fine folks at Ponpon daycare. A big BBQ, face painting, music, yoga and garage sale was held to help raise money for new equipment in the play yard. An Aylmer foodbank donation drop off box was also on hand at this event and sparklingexpressions was thrilled to have taken part. Mother nature held off with the rain just long enough to let the fun and festivities play out. All in all, Saturday was a big success with children being the big winners of the day. Thank you for everyone who came out to help and who took in the day with Ponpon.

Sunday, found the sparklingexpressions vendor tent making its way to the flea market in Carleton Place, Ontario for a nice beautiful August day. (it looked iffy but once again mother nature held off) We were once again thrilled to be able to share our product and what we have to offer with those who took time out to stop by the flea market.

Nicky in the sparklingexpressions booth
sparklingexpressions with Nicky

Vinyl Stick Men decals
sparklingexpressions stick family
princess vinyl decals
sparklingexpressions princess creativity pack

Monday, 6 August 2012

New Expressions Design Gallery

We have been listening to our customers feedback and sparklingexpressions is pleased to announce that we now have a new vinyl expressions design gallery to showcase our latest designs. Please bear with us as we add to the photo gallery. (may take us some time to upload our designs) In the coming weeks we will continue to add to the gallery. We thank you for taking the time to drop by and taking a look at what we have to offer.

Please join us on our sparklingexpressions Facebook page and feel free to leave requests for quotes and sayings that mean something to you. Thank you,

~ Mark and Nicky

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Bridge Street Bazaar Was A HOT One

To say the Carleton Place, Bridge Street Bazaar was a hot one is a vast understatement. Mother nature blessed the Bazaar once again with a nice sunny day, but a hot scorcher at that! By mid day the temperatures were rising above the 40 mark but that did not stop all those who participated and who came out. In fact, this years Bazaar was the HOT event of the weekend to come on out to see. The sparklingexpressions family is happy to have had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people at the 7th annual Bridge Street Bazaar. We had the opportunity to share what we are about with so many fine people, companies and other great vendors, not to mention see what everyone else has to offer as well. We believe we handed out a good majority of the mini bookmarks that we had created into the early hours of each morning, the week prior. (1000+)  Many more smiles were handed out on this wonderful day. In case you missed it here are some photographs of early morning action on Bridge Street.

Bridge Street Bazar Street View
View Down Bridge Street Early Morning
Early Morning View at Bridge Street Bazar
Early morning view into our parking lot

sparklingexpressions tent at Bridge Street Bazar
sparklingexpressions display at Bridge Street bazar
Display at Carleton Place Bridge Street Bazar
By late morning and into the early hours of the afternoon, it is safe to say that Bridge Street was jammed pack and full of people. The extreme heat did not keep people away and the 7th Annual, Carleton Place, Bridge Street Bazaar was a huge success.  The following pictures are from later on in the day.

Late Morning at Bridge Street Bazar
Late Morning
Early Afternoon at Bridge Street Bazar
Early Afternoon

Afternoon at Bridge Street Bazar
Early Afternoon
 The above pictures were taken somewhere near the middle so quite a few vendor tents and activities were to my back and behind me.

sparklingexpressions would like to thank everyone who is visiting our blog via our mini bookmarks, and we welcome you to join us on facebook at  sparklingexpressions. We also welcome your comments here and we can be reached by email. Thank you for dropping by.

Nicky and Mark~