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Friday, 1 February 2013

Fairies In The Park

We are happy to announce that we will once again be attending the Fairies in the Park event this coming summer in Brockville, Ontario. This event will be following up last years very successful first time event and will be bigger and better than the first. The date has been changed to make for a warmer experience and will now be Saturday June 8th. (11 am to 4pm) Once again sparklingexpressions will be showcasing our products and services along with sparkly glitter tattoo's. The glitter tattoos were such a big hit that we have made sure to add an extra artist or two. We are very excited to once again take part in Brockville's Fairies in the Park.

If you would like more information on this successful and incredibly fun event please contact Stephanie.

Brockville Fairies In The Park
Taken/Owned by Aimee McNamee

New Leaf Wellness Presents:
Fairies in the Park
Saturday, June 8th 2013
St. Lawrence Park

Things are about to get a little more enchanted around here...

If you missed the last Fairies in the Park event be sure to come to this one! 

Wings and Tutus are encouraged! 
Come let your fairies fly;
See the amazing and beautiful creations our vendors have on display (and for sale!);
Take part in a fairy house building workshop;
See the Fairy Dance Performance; Glitter Tattoos
Fairy Photo Booth, Crafts and MORE!
Girls AND Boys welcome! Bring the whole family and picnic in an enchanted environment!

Please contact if you'd like to be a vendor.

This event can also be found on facebook at fairies in the park.

Thank you for dropping by and taking the time to look about our blog. We can also be found on facebook at, sparklingexpressions. As well some of our designs can be found online at our vinyl lettering and decor gallery. 
~Nicky and Mark