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Friday, 14 September 2012

Murray's Furniture and Flea Market in Carleton Place

sparklingexpressions will now have a permanent display and information booth in Carleton Place, Ontario, at Murray's Furniture and Flea Market. Not to be confused with the former Carleton Place Flea Market. (now known as the CP Vendor's Market) The grande opening of this new flea market will be this weekend at the home of what used to be known as just Murray's Furniture which is also known as the "Sears store". Space at the store is limited and has been filling up fast with anticipated vendor's coming in all week to set up and get ready for the opening day. (Could very well be sold out now) There will also be vendor's set up outside the store in fine flea market fashion. This new flea market in Carleton Place will also be open 7 days a week year round with indoor vendors proudly displaying their wares on a more permanent basis. The outside vendors will be on Saturday's. So if you are looking to find collectibles, jewelry, antiques, furniture or perhaps looking at decorating your home or office with vinyl lettering and decor, then this will be a must visit attraction. The array of items and treasures to be found and had should be plenty.

As many of you know, we will be in Brockville this coming weekend and have been hard at work preparing for that event, but we have gotten information set up for you to pick up at our information booth inside the Murray's Furniture and Flea Market store. In the coming weeks we will be updating our display there to give even more information, including a catalogue to order from. We will also be displaying and selling crafts made with our vinyl decals and we welcome you to come take a look at our other offerings at this new flea market.

Thank you for dropping by and taking the time to look about our blog. We can also be found on facebook at, sparklingexpressions. As well some of our designs can be found online at our vinyl lettering and decor gallery. 
~Nicky and Mark


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